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Community Spirit – Pacific Coastal Airlines and Trail Regional Airport

Pacific Coastal Airlines and Trail Regional Airport celebrate 10 years of service

April 6, 2016 marked 10 years since a group of six volunteers greeted the first Pacific Coastal flight from Vancouver. The newly trained community volunteers handled all airport functions, excluding passenger management and baggage.

This was Canada’s only volunteer-run airport and it continues to operate with significant help from members of the community.

“We cut the lawn, do general maintenance and fix anything that needs repairs,” says 85-year-old Don Nutini.

He started as a volunteer a dozen years ago when another airline began providing passenger service in and out of the community. When that ended after 18 months, community members got together to invite Pacific Coastal Airlines to the tarmac.

For the past decade, PCA has been providing affordable and reliable daily flights in and out of the community.

Read the full article in Soar Magazine – August/September 2016 issue.